Note: these musical instrument/clearance items are only for United States customers due to shipping costs and issues.
An Ensoniq EPS 16-PLUS three-space rack sampler. It has 2mb of RAM, SCSI, Flashbank, and a Gotek floppy emulator as the floppy drive.
There are two issues: the individual outputs do not work, but it's due to the output expander chips. That main outs and the headphone out work fine. Also, the data slider is a little funky, but hardly affects operation. Recently full maintenance done by The Soniq, Santa Cruz, CA.
Special Note: This particular unit was the genesis of most/all of the Rubber Chicken Software sample library. Thousands of innovative sounds were sampled AND programmed on this specific unit. So it's... famous.
Comes with a complimentary copy of Translator Ensoniq Edition.
From Vintage Synth Explorer:
The EPS-16+ was an innovative early sampler workstation designed for the 90's. Its sampler specs are impressive: 16-bit, variable sampling rates from 11.2kHz to 44.6kHz. With a slim 1Mb of memory this gives just about 11.5 seconds of sampling time in mono at 44.6kHz. Editing functions are quite nice: normalizing, sample splicing, merging, phase switching, auto-looping, auto-truncating, sample rate conversion and more.
On the synthesizer side it has two great filters with switchable hi, low and band pass, 6dB to 24dB cutoffs. BUT, they aren't resonant. The keyboard is velocity and pressure sensitive and it has full MIDI implementation. There is also a sophisticated 8-track sequencer that can really be fun in a live performance situation. A wildly flexible and variable LFO with seven shapes always adds a new twist to your samples! Topping it off is a full suite of on-board effects like reverb, delay, chorus, flange, phaser, Leslie sim, distortion and wah-wah and these effects can be re-sampled to become a part of the sample! It can even be played while it is loading samples!
In its time, the EPS-16+ was a revolutionary machine. It brought a lot of power and musicality to sampling. These days, the EPS-16+ is still useful. It brings back the early crunchy sampler sound but with a lot of features that make it really fun to play with. Even with its non-resonant filters you can still find yourself filtering a 'garage-beat' drum loop for hours while muting and un-muting other loops on the 8-track sequencer!
The EPS-16+ was also made available in a rack-mount version. All EPS-16+ synths can be upgraded via non-volatile flash ROM to expand your EPS's memory, effects algorithms and creative potential!